~ Many years in the future lived a young heiress in a stately town house on Delancey Street~
Sophia hides in her bedroom in anticipation of Aunt Elvira's visit.
What faults will she find today?
As usual, Albert, Elvira's Brother, who shares guardianship of Sophia ~ pays attention to Tibby, ignoring Elvira's latest lecture on ~ proper housekeeping ~ proper reading material ~ proper menus
Her opinions cover every subject~including unsuitable floral arrangements,
which are promptly removed.
We all have relations like her ~ or maybe we are the relation like her!
Dear reader ~ you be the judge.
Meanwhile back in the kitchen ~ Cook & Bridget commiserate.
"Poor Miss Sophia, how does she bare it?" Bridget says
"Poor Miss Sophia?" shouts Cook~
"It is me and my three courses tonight that won't be pleasing her!"
They both wonder ~ how long will she stay?